New Tracks for 2006

Dragon*Con, in our ongoing effort to schedule innovative and interesting programming for all our fans, has added four new tracks this year: Podcasting: Now and Beyond, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Literature, Silk Road: Asian Cinema and Culture, and Stargate: Offworld Fandom.

The Podcasting: Now and Beyond track will include panels for fans to gab about their favorite podcasts, for aspiring podcasters to learn how to make their own, and for writers to learn about the brave new world of podiobooks.  We’ll also be presenting the First Annual Parsec Awards.  Check out for updates and more information.

At the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Literature track, we’ll be covering science fiction and fantasy on the printed page: what we read, why we read, and what is science fiction anyway?

The Silk Road: Asian Cinema and Culture track is for all you Asia-philes to discuss, learn about, and experience the exotic SF/F/H stories and movies woven from the rich tapestry of Far Eastern cultures.

Stargate: Offworld Fandom welcomes all Stargate fans to participate in panels and events covering all things Stargate including characters, plot developments and twists, and fan videos and films.  There will be giveaways, games, contests, and open social meeting times.  More information at the track’s Yahoo group.  (Note: new members need to send an email to ( stargatefandomtrack-subscribe (at) yahoogroups (dot) com to subscribe to this group.)

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