Guest Changes

Due to professional commitments, the following previously confirmed guests will not be able to attend Dragon*Con 2012:

  • Corey Castellano
  • Cary Elwes
  • David Franklin
  • D.J. Grothe
  • Rosemary Ellen Guiley
  • Dennis K. Lee
  • Steven McQueen
  • Adam David Myers
  • Eve Myles
  • Kathy Najimy
  • Carlos Pedraza
  • Robert Wade Pralgo
  • Ryan Robbins
  • Tim Sale
  • Daniel Samonas
  • Russell D Shilling
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Michael Trevino
  • Laura J. Underwood
  • Jimmie Dwyane Verley, Ph.D.
  • Daisy Viktoria