

“How Have Movies Treated the Paranormal” moved from Fri 10AM to Sun 5:30PM, M106-107 (M).

“Portrait of a Vampire – Live Painting Demo with Brian Stelfreeze” moved from Fri 4PM, Hanover C-E (Hy), to Fri 7PM, Regency V (Hy).

“Pinups by the Pool Party” moved from Fri 8:30-11PM to Fri 8-10PM, Pool (S).

“Drum Circle” moved from Fri 10PM to Fri 11:30PM, Centennial I (Hy).


“An Hour with Sean Maher,” Sat 5:30 PM, moved from International D-E to Augusta (W).

“Fringe: What’s Next?” moved from Sun 5:30PM to Sat 8:30PM, M106-107 (M).


“Disasters Past, Present, and Future – Hear from the Feds” Sun 11:30AM moved from 202 (Hil) to Valdosta (S).

“Behind the Brooms: The Sci-Fi Janitors” moved from Sun 1PM to Sun 11:30AM, M101 (M).

NEW “Sanctuary – Up from Hollow Earth” Sun 1PM, Centennial II-III moved to Regency VI-VII (Hy).

NEW “Stars of Invader Zim” Sun 1PM, Regency VI-VII moved to Centennial II-III (Hy).

“Game of Thrones” moved from Sun 7PM to Sun 10PM, Greenbriar (Hy).


“Rebuilding the World” Mon 10AM moved from Roswell 1-2 to Augusta 1-2 (W).

“The Return” Mon 11:30AM moved from Roswell 1-2 to Augusta 1-2 (W).

“It’s the End of the Track as We Know It” Mon 1PM moved from Roswell 1-2 to Augusta 1-2 (W).

“Last Call!” Mon 2:30PM moved from Roswell 1-2 to Augusta 1-2 (W).

“Leavetakings” Mon 4PM moved from Roswell 1-2 to Augusta 1-2 (W).