In addition to full 4-day memberships, 3-day, 2-day, and single-day memberships will be available at the door.
Day memberships are only available at the door on the day you wish to attend. Registration is located in the Georgia Hall at the Sheraton. All Saturday registration will be located in the Capital Ballroom at the Sheraton.
Be sure to fill out and bring the form from our On-Site Registration QR Code Generator to speed you through the line!
Dragon Con 2013 (August 30 – September 2) Memberships:
- Full (all 4 days and available Thu and Fri only): $130
- 3-day (Sat, Sun, Mon and available Sat only): $100
- 2-day (Sun & Mon and available Sun only): $60
- 1-day (Fri only): $40
- 1-day (Sat only): $50
- 1-day (Sun only): $40
- 1-day (Mon only): $30
If you have other Dragon Con membership questions, check the Memberships page on the main Dragon Con website.