Winners of the 2016 Dragon Con Art Show were named Saturday night in four categories: Attendee Awards, voted on by Art Show attendees; Artist Choice, voted on by attending artists; the themed category “Resistance Is Futile!!”; and Juried Awards.

Attendee Awards
Best Alien: A-O-6 by Allen Panakal
Best Amazon: Andreste by Mitch Foust
Best Dragon: Steampunk Wall Dragon by Lisa Sell
Best Horror: Just Your Imagination by Paul Bielaczyc
Best Fairy: Are We There Yet? By Caralyn Edwards
Best Spaceship or Spacescene: Home by Charles Urbach
Best Warrior: Andreste by Mitch Foust
Most Humorous: Mountain of Madness by Mark Helwig
Artist Choice Award
Where Angels Fear to Tread by Mark Harchar
“Resistance Is Futile!!”
Third Place: Dragon Eye by Jack Hoyle
Second Place: Remembrance is Futile by Stan Morrison
First Place: We Are the Cog by David Windham
Juried Awards
Best 2-D: Moon Drops by Erika Taguchi-Newton
Best 3-D: Large Dragon Bust by Patricia Wehunt
Best Black & White: Whisper by Michael Manomivibul
Best Jewelry Art: Clocktopus Necklace by Caralyn Edwards
Best Mixed Media: The Sinking of the Pride by Tyler Althafer
Best Photography: Magic Missile by Joseph Corsentino