Being Kind with Swag ‘N Seek

When people of like minds come together, a group is born. When these same people have the common goal of spreading kindness with small tokens to bring a smile to others, then you have Swag ‘N Seek.

What exactly is Swag ‘N Seek? Members either make or purchase items, or “swag,” that they can swap swag with others, randomly hand out swag to another person to brighten their day, or hide to be found by others (like a treasure hunt). The purpose? To spread kindness and friendship at Dragon Con.

This standing-room only panel on Thursday at 7PM in the Marriott was the first one of its kind at Dragon Con. This relatively new group started in 2017 by Francesca as an unofficial meetup. This idea stemmed from another group she was a participant in. What started as, “Hey, I like handing out small tokens” bloomed into a group of well over 500 people at the panel. Francesca knew she needed help, so Alex, Jada, and Maria are part of this amazing team.

If you notice a sticker, a button, or any “swag” laying on a ledge or on a table all by itself, it’s for you. Sometimes there may be a tag attached, assuring the new owner it’s okay to take it. With this little piece of kindness, know that this group wants to brighten your day.

Author of the article

Award-winning author Amanda Faith may have been raised in Dayton, but her heart and home is in the South. With a lifelong love of teaching and writing, she had plenty of encouragement from teachers and friends along the way. Loving a good puzzle has always been a fascination, and writing gives her the outlet to put all the pieces together. Being adventurous and loving to try new things, it wasn’t long before her characters found themselves in unusual situations. She loves to put people from two different worlds into new situations and to see how they interact, taking them on journeys they would never have normally experienced. Her current adventure working as a high school English professor turned Media Specialist, writing, and doing paranormal investigations doesn’t slow her down from having a great time with a plethora of hobbies. Her published credits include several short stories, poetry, several journal articles, her doctoral dissertation, and her award-winning book Strength of Spirit. With multiple degrees, she has a passion for learning and exploring new venues. She is a staff writer for The Daily Dragon at Dragon Con. Check out her new website ( or on Instagram (@dramandafaith)