Emerald Rose Rocks Oscar Party

Emerald Rose lead guitarist Logan Sullivan claimed bragging rights for the popular Celtic Rock band.  After meeting “Calisuri” from www.onering.net, Emerald Rose played for the Tolkien party at Dragon*Con 2001.  Before the end of that evening, the band was invited to play as the house band for the cast of the Lord of the Rings: Two Towers at the LOR party following the Oscar presentations in March 2003.  Cast members John Rhys-Davies (“Gimli”), Sean Astin (“Samwise”). Billy Boyd (“Pippin”), and Dominique Monaghan (“Merry”), and the Oscar-winning technical team that created the animation of “Golem” attended the event with about 1,000 other guests at the Hollywood Athletic Club.

“We’ve had a great year, just miraculous,” said Sullivan.  “We had a very busy St. Patrick’s Day.” And then there was the tour of Ireland.

Emerald Rose took an entourage of fifty to Ireland.  They played shows in Killarney, Cork and Dublin.  “The young crowd really responded to our Celtic-Rock fusion.  They like their music upbeat, with heavy drum.  They’re not afraid of rock and roll,” he concluded with a knowing smile.   The band will return to Ireland in September, playing again in Killarney, possibly at Dingle, and at Galway, “famous for its pubs and music.”

Emerald Rose released a new CD last February.  “Celtic Crescent,” their latest release recording from their home studio is “a best of collection, geared to traditional Celtic music,” according to Sullivan.  “Rants and Rambles,” a comedy CD, will also be available for purchase at Dragon*Con, together with other Emerald Rose CD’s, T-shirts and other merchandise featuring the Emerald Rose logo.

Emerald Rose will be at Artist Alley Fri; at “An Evening at Bree” Fri 8:30-11:00pm Centennial I, and LIVE Sat 5:30pm Concourse.

Visit Emerald Rose at their web site, www.emeraldrose.com. Photos of their appearance at the LOR Oscar party may be found at www.onering.net.

Author of the article

Amy L. Herring (Louise Herring-Jones) writes speculative fiction, with a preference for historical fantasy and alternate mystery. Her stories, appearing in fourteen anthologies, include “The Poulterer’s Tale” in God Bless Us, Every One—Christmas Carols beyond Dickens (Voodoo Rumors Media). Amy coordinates the HSV Writers’ group in Huntsville, AL. Visit her online at http://www.louiseherring-jones.com.