Saturday night was Dragon Con’s first annual “The Legend of The Chôsen” Costume Contest at the Georgia Aquarium. Much like the recently revamped judging requirements of the ever popular “Friday Night Costume Contest,” this brand new competition takes it up a notch in terms of costume integrity and attention to craftsmanship. Add the colorful Georgia Aquarium as a background, with a sprinkle of well-known presenters and creative cosplayers, and this show is sure to become an off-site event staple for many con-goers!
Those hoping to become contestants in this new competition were required to attend a pre-judging before the public costume contest began. Dozens of cosplayers of varying skill levels met with and described their construction processes to the event judges Lee “Fav” Camara, Catherine Lee Jones, and Monika Lee. After examining and scrutinizing each costumed entrant, the judges selected the top twenty cosplayers from the group to be in the evening’s public “Legend of the Chôsen” competition.

The competition was later held in the main atrium of the Georgia Aquarium and was hosted by the wonderfully energetic duo of DJ Marc J Cubs and veteran cosplayer Yaya Han. Those who attended the Dragon Con Night at the Aquarium event cheered on the 20 chosen cosplayers as they slowly filed on stage one by one, and in some cases in groups. Some of the cosplays that made it to the final stage of the competition included an impressively made troll couple complete with giant feet and horns, a witch with an intricately handmade corset and accessories, chef Deadpool, and a trio of stunning belly dancers.

Prizes of this competition included $100 in dealer dollars for third place, $200 in dealer dollars for second place and for first prize a three night paid hotel stay for Dragon Con 2016, seat as judge at 2016’s Chôsen Contest and two VIP Admissions to Dragon Con Night at the Georgia Aquarium 2016.
Winners of “The Legend of the Chôsen” Competition:
1st Place: Angela and Gary Sterley, Destiny Guardians
2nd Place: RJ Foster, Captain Nemo
3rd Place: Elizabeth Gerringer, Queen Amidala
Honorable Mentions: Amanda McLelland, Michelle Muzyka and Andrea VanDerPlants, Phillip Steadham and Robyn Lane