Sean Faircloth was in 205-207 (Hil) Sunday afternoon addressing how religious attitudes towards sex has poisoned how Americans make decisions in all public policy.
As a ten-year congressional veteran and the CEO of the Secular Coalition, he states that “he works for the American people” in trying to have separation between church and state.
In the 21st century, there is still the mindset of the male hierarchical system that keeps women in submission, yet women have always been the sexual gatekeepers. As Americans, we need to be more open-minded. If the adults are consensual and there is no harm to anyone, then let it be.
It wasn’t until the Summer of 1963 that a change started to take place on the political front. It was the “summer of unique speeches” as Faircloth put it. It started with John F. Kennedy as he spoke about civil rights as a moral issue and his famous university speech. It was also the summer that Martin Luther King, Jr., made his famous speech, “I Have A Dream.”
Change takes time. Faircloth campaigns for the rights of the people and from the persecution of religious restrictions.