On Saturday afternoon in the International Ballroom of the Marriott, there was a Stargate cast reunion of sorts. Ben Browder, star of seasons 9 and 10 of the flagship series, Stargate SG-1, was joined on stage by David Blue from the short-lived, but much-loved, Stargate Universe series, and Paul McGillion, from the run of Stargate: Atlantis. Military SciFi track director Karen Henson moderated.
Before the panel even started, Ben Browder and David Blue set the tone with an informal Q&A with the audience while they waited for Paul McGillion to arrive.
Once all panelists were present and accounted for, the not-so-serious business commenced. David Blue provided much of the comic relief for the hour. Though a star on probably the least known vehicle in the Stargate franchise, his respect for those who came before and his love of the SciFi genre in general came through with his stories and his infectious smile. Browder was certainly the most serious of the 3, regaling us with stories of his now grown children and displaying his respect for the US Air Force. McGillion told the audience of pranks played on set and some of the more awkward filming experiences.
Each of the cast members spoke about their favorite arcs or episodes from Stargate, with more hilarious antics from behind the scenes. The actors went on to discuss their favorite actors and panels, showing that they’re just as big of fans and geeks as the audience.
The panelists thoroughly proved their need for moderation as they strayed into naughty territory with their stories and random comments, making the audience laugh voraciously. They compared the antics between Christopher Judge and Jason Momoa, discussing the various pranks the two pulled on set.
Overall it was a hilarious panel on all accounts. If you get a chance to see any of the actors this weekend, you won’t want to miss them.