2021 Hallway Costume Contest

Honorable Mentions

Mindy Jones, Old Spice Girls

Olivia Faith Harn, Monster Astronaut

Summer Kohle, Elf (original character)

Lily Braden, Star Butterfly

Sophie Sindicich, Raven

Dawn, Matthew and Benjamin Aschberger, Chico Bon-Bon the monkey, Rainbow Thunder the cat, Clark the elephant

Darrin Eader, Little Cobra-Kai

Logan Oberg, Ell from Deathnote

Sean Reavis, Wonder Woman in Training

Winry Hughes, Galadriel

Gaius Hughes, Gandalf

Heather Hughes, Galadriel and Gandalf

Edgil Hector Jr, Emperor’s New Groove

Faith McCullough, Jawa

Lauren Stewart, Aurora and Fairy

Peyton Reece, Cosplay SWAT

Staff Favorite: Bryan Bailey, Bobby Rossy

DCTV Favorite: Ali Robbins, Bob & Carl

Cutest Pupples: Erin Sweigart, Thor Puppies

Best Villain: Christina Boyt, Sylvie

Best Variant: Kathryn Nobles, Lokis and A Glorious Porpoise

Best Meme: Shannon Caudle, Cards Against Dragon Con

Best TV: Deborah Bailey, Miss Minutes

Best Videogame: Eva Chapman, Rafrolos and Legiana

Best Adaptation: Heather Miller, Clueless but Cooler

Best Group: Doctor Blume, Witcher Striper

Best Anime: Lily Barron, Kikki

Best Comic: Juan Mejorado, Doctor Doom,

Best Cook: Gerald Williams Jr, Chef from South Park

Best MCU: Meghann Hubbard, Captain and Peggy

Best Couple: Melissa Dadd, Good Omens

Third Place: Jesse McCullough, Gus/Sweettooth

Second Place: Jennie Mazur, Ashe from Overwatch

Best In Show: Sara Koziol, Buzz and Jesse




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