It’s been several years since the original Charmed went off the air, but you wouldn’t know that by the full house in the Westin Peachtree Ballroom on Saturday at 1PM. Brian Krause, Drew Fuller, and Holly Marie Combs (via the magic of the internet and hi-def cameras) joined Dragon Con to reminisce about their favorite moments from the show.
Fans of the show know that Piper and Leo had an epic, albeit rocky, relationship. What they might not know is that Combs’ favorite boyfriend wasn’t Krause, it was Dan, played by John Cho, who had a short-lived role in the first season. “Who’s Dan?” Fuller asked. Krause immediately responded with: “Your real dad. Wyatt is our real son.”
Attendees still have a lot of questions for the cast, including what their favorite episode was. Combs replied that hers was “Sword and the City,” where she played with swords. For Fuller, it was “Chris Crossed,” but this has more to do with it being named after his character and him not knowing any episodes. For Krause, it was “Saving Private Leo,” because he learned that he was going to be a series regular while they were shooting the episode. Combs didn’t miss the opportunity to add that “Dead Man Dating,” the episode with Cho, was another of her favorites.
And that was about the time when her video cut out.
Fuller was quick to send another meeting link, but the damage was done. “Did you hang up on your mother? You’re getting a timeout,” Combs scolded Fuller. “I didn’t pay for Zoom Pro,” Fuller replied sheepishly.
Another fan asked what storyline did the cast enjoy the most. Krause quickly chimed in that his were the ones that included Leo and that he really enjoyed when Leo went to the dark side. Fuller joked that his was “Coyote Piper.” Krause asked Combs if her favorite storyline was Leo being her true love. To which she dead panned, absolutely not. Krause and Combs were friends for a long time before the show filmed, and Krause is married to a friend of hers.
Jumping right in to add to the awkwardness of Krause’s marriage to Combs’ friend, Fuller asked them to rate how well they each kissed and if, at any point, their tongue tips had touched. Combs laughed off the question, saying she’s forgotten. When Krause started to reply, she quickly interjected that he had also forgotten. Later when Combs said that Piper needed a divorce attorney, Krause joked that kissing her was an eight. Combs was quick to retaliate with kissing the fireman boyfriend was a 10.
As for the most challenging scenes to film, Fuller simply answered with “Brian.” Combs had a similar sentiment. For her, the scenes with evil Leo were up there along with how often she had to cry over him. Krause quipped that her crying was hard to deal with. “There were so many other nice guys,” Combs lamented. “I’m looking around for them up here,” Krause quickly said.
The camaraderie and familial banter were evident in the way cast interacted with one other. And Charmed fans are in for a treat. Since Fuller hasn’t watched the show, he asked Combs and Krause to do a podcast where they rewatch the show together. The first couple episodes of the “House of Halliwell” podcast are now available wherever podcasts are found.