Locke & Key to Dragon Con

Dragon Con attendees gave a warm welcome to three cast members from Netflix’s Locke & Key. Jesse Camacho (Doug Brazelle), Hallea Jones (Eden Jones), and Jackson Robert Scott (Bode Locke) answered questions about the series and their experiences during the “Locke & Key” panel, moderated by Little Red Dot, on Friday at 2:30PM in Centennial II–IV, Hyatt.

The obvious question came first: If you could have any key, which one would you take? Scott chose two, the anywhere key and the creation key. Imagine being able to draw something and make it come to life. Jones would choose the anywhere key and the head key. She likes the idea of the latter so much that she has it tattooed on the back of her neck. Camacho also chose the head key.

In real life, though, each would have different mental stage dressing, from Jones’s choice of a museum of music and film to Camacho’s preference for something like the crowded lobby of the Marriott during Dragon Con. Scott thinks his mind would be arranged into a tall hotel in New York City or Toronto with a great view and levels for things like restaurants, a basketball court, and video games.

When asked what key they would make if they could, Jones would make a hair-growing or a kindness key. Scott would like one that gave him super powers. He couldn’t decide if it should be able to give more than one power at once, though. What if a demon stole that key?

All three agreed that the cast members became good friends, which made the show even more magical. Jones recalled trying to make the crew laugh and succeeding during the scene where she had to burp on command. After trying and failing all day to do it, despite drinking multiple bubbly drinks, she let out the biggest burp of her life in between bites of pizza. Unfortunately, it didn’t make the final cut.

The cast tried to avoid spoilers, since some audience members hadn’t seen the third season, but Scott commented on Bode’s reckless time-traveling scene. “Dude,” he said, “Bode might actually be clinically stupid!” It must have been frustrating to act that scene when it was so obvious that Bode was oversharing. Jones particularly enjoyed the scene where Eden gets controlled by the music box. She felt free to “just go for it.” Comacho enjoyed the adventure in the cave, including the realistic flooding scene.

Filming wasn’t all fun and games, though. Scott and Jones recalled times when they were bitterly cold, and Comacho was embarrassed by having to sing. But they’ll always remember the fun times and the friendships they made during the show.

Author of the article

Debbie Yutko lives near Atlanta with her husband and two cats. When she isn’t gardening, rescuing homeless kittens, or cramming math formulas into teenagers’ brains, she can be found stringing words together at her computer and dreaming of adventures in far-off lands. She is a lifelong reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy and a veteran of Dragon Con, where she enjoys attending panels and working with the talented staff of the Daily Dragon.