Few works of arts reach the level of highbrow comedy heights as the prestigious pun. While reading this might be a novel idea, we promise you’ll want to check this story out. Authors Timothy Zahn, D.R. Perry, Dakota Kraut, and Chris Jackson had the write stuff in the “Take Thee to the Punnery” panel on Sunday in the Hyatt Embassy C–D at 1PM. As moderator Mera Rose said at the start, you’ll want to take a moment to puntificate on our puntastic prose.
Zahn: I haven’t read an awful lot of Shakespeare. I took a class once, and I was such a disruption that I was bard.
Jackson: On Saturday at Dragon Con, I wore a shirt that is one of my favorite mathematical visuals. It has a swoop with eight tails beneath it: octopi. Math puns are hilariously funny, if you get them.
Kraut: I had one that really broke me up yesterday. I had a chance to meet some fans, and one was so excited to meet me that he grabbed my hand and broke my wrist. I had to tell him that it wasn’t the funny bone, but it was pretty humerus.
Perry: I saw John Hartness, and he had an implement. He was using it. He had a book fan that he was fanning himself with.
Zahn: Fans are nice, but using an entire book as a fan would be very hard on the spine.
Krout: You can tell that joke was an adult because it was full groan.
Jackson: The farce flows through him (referring to Zahn).
Zahn: When you have a room of five who disagree, add one. Then you’ll have a sixth sense.
Jackson: There’s happy hour and then there’s crappy hour.
Zahn: I am not a legend. I am canon.
Rose: That’d be a great visual pun: Grand Admiral Prawn. It’s a little shrimpy joke.
Zahn: Some of the canon stuff is very high caliber.
Jackson: I miss you but my aim is improving.
Zahn: Jokes like that will get you coals in your stocking.
Jackson: You had actual stockings as a kid? We were so poor, we just got the coal. That’s how I got cold feet.
Perry: That’s how you get runs in your stocking. By running in your stocking.
Zahn: That person would be hosed.
Audience: Girls just wanna have puns.
We knew you were bound to laugh at this impressive showing of the puns (don’t @ us for this one).