Dragon Con 2023 Charity Events

Logo for CURE Childhood CancerFor 2023, Dragon Con will be raising funds for CURE Childhood Cancer, an Atlanta-based organization whose purpose is right in the name. Founded in 1975, CURE funds targeted research on childhood cancers while supporting patients and their families. This year, Dragon Con will match fundraising for CURE up to $125,000!

Dragon Con’s flagship fundraiser each year is the main Charity Auction, which is held on Sunday every year, 10AM–2PM in Hyatt Hanover C–E. The Charity Events Booth in the Marriott (Marquis level) will display some of the items that have been donated and will accept auction donations Thursday 2–6PM, Friday/Saturday/Sunday 10AM–6PM, and Monday 10AM–2PM. Some of the items that have been auctioned off in the past have included artwork, signed photos, movie props, costumes, store and restaurant gift cards, a meal with an actor or writer, and a writing review by an editor.

But don’t go far! Not long after the main auction ends, check out the 15th Annual Don S. Davis Memorial Charity Auction, put on by the Military Sci-Fi Media (MSFM) Track and featuring items up for bid from multiple favorite franchises. The auction runs Sunday 4–6:30 PM in Hyatt Hanover C–E.

If auctions aren’t up your alley, there are plenty of other ways to participate in raising funds for charity:

Coloring for Charity: Thursday–Sunday, 7PM–12AM, The Learning Center (Hyatt).

Dragon Comedy For-A-Cause: Thursday 8:30PM, Crystal Ballroom (Hilton).

A Timely Escape: An Escape Room Event: Friday 10AM–2AM, Valdosta (Courtland Grand).

MSFM Charity Crafts and Games Night: Saturday 8:30PM, Chastain DE (Westin).

Classic Sci-Fi Charity Lock-In Movie: Krull: Saturday 8:30–11PM, M103–105 (Marriott).

MSFM Charity Team Trivia: Saturday 10PM, Chastain DE (Westin).

Classic Sci-Fi Charity Lock-in: Mac and Me (We’re Lovin’ It): Sunday 8:30–11PM, M103–M105 (Marriott).

Heroes, Villains and Humanity Charity Game Show: Mature Audiences. Sunday 10PM–12:30AM, M302–303 (Marriott).

And on top of all that, most track rooms will have collection bins available so you can help run up the tab. Keep an eye out for those!

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