A Neurospicy Guide to Surviving Con (Individual Results May Vary)

Neurospicy folks and their companions gathered together in the Hilton Crystal Ballroom on Thursday at 7PM for “Surviving Con with Social Anxiety and Neurodiversity.” Sitting on the panel were Catiosaurus, Crash (aka Heather Croas) and Andy “Duckman” Benicasa, with Jodi Capps moderating. They created a safe space for open conversation, where everyone had the chance to ask questions (with the bonus of not having to stand at a mic to do so).

Our conversation started with our panelists introducing themselves, and their flavor of neurospicy, before opening for questions, which covered a wide variety of aspects of being at Con. Here are some of the tips that came up on how to survive – everyone’s needs are different so take what speaks to you:

What should I do if I get overwhelmed in a crowd?

Don’t worry about FOMO or upsetting your friends. If you feel panic setting in, find your way out as soon as you can. If you’re really stuck, move backwards; Catieosaurus demonstrated an excellent technique of dancing your way backwards that will split the sea of people if needed. If you’re not able to leave easily, find a safe person such as a volunteer, security, one of your group, or a stranger with a kind face who’ll be able to guide you to a safe zone.

How should I prep for the massive crowds?

The only real answer is to either not go, to get there early, or to tough it out and know that you always have a safe person in reach who’ll be able to assist if needed. If you sit out a day, there’s absolutely no shame (and don’t forget that the host hotels have DragonConTV streaming big panels). If you arrive to your location early, you’ll be able to scope of the area, make a game plan for navigating once the crowd grows, and finish your intended activity sooner. If you absolutely can’t make it early or sit out, we have some tips for how to handle the crush.

What should I do once I get to a crowded area?

First thing you should do is eyeball safe places to escape to if needed; find a stairwell, dark corner, empty hallway, or even a restroom and then just stay where you can see your safe place. If you have a companion with you, make sure you’re checking in with them so they know when it’s starting to be too much and can help you find your way out. Stay on the edges and you’ll still be a part of the energy having a great time with easy escape if needed.

Where can I find social support?

Track rooms, fan meet ups, and Cults are your answer! If you haven’t joined a Cult (super fan groups), search Facebook for “Dragon Con cults,” and find the one that interests you. In any of these options you’ll find likeminded individuals who’ll welcome you in with grace. Also, a special shout out to the Dragon Con Social Anxiety Group and Dragon Con With Disabilities (official) groups on Facebook.

What should I do if I’m getting a ton of attention in my cosplay but am starting to panic?

If you have a handler or safe person, let them know you need them to run interference for a bit so you can have a breather. If you’re alone, take off a piece of your cosplay until you’re ready for attention (could be as simple as taking off the hat or mask), and don’t be afraid to tell those admiring your cosplays that you need a break and aren’t ready to talk to anyone at the moment. If anyone gets upset that you won’t take a picture with them, that’s a them problem. It can be hard, but try not to take it personally. And if all else fails, escape to one of the safe places mentioned earlier.


Yeah, we know. Saturday is going to be wild. Downtown Atlanta has a ton of big events happening at the same time and, oh yeah, there might be a small parade or something that’s happening in the morning? Saturday is a Dragon of its own variety so you’re going to have to feel out what’s best for you, but the advice from the panelists is to pick a track and stay there. You won’t have to deal with the crowds in the hotels or worry about getting stuck in a Sky Bridge and will likely learn something really cool and meet some new friends/safe people. The parade will be broadcast on DragonConTV (and covered by the Daily Dragon) but if you absolutely must be outside for it, start mentally preparing for the fact that you will likely be outside from 8AM to noon or even longer.

There will be another Surviving Con panel on Saturday at 11:30AM – make sure to check it out to meet some cool folks and learn more tips for surviving con. If you’re not able to make it, please know that you’re surrounded by friends you haven’t met yet no matter where you’re at in Con so don’t be afraid to ask for help whenever you need it. We’ve all been there, neurospicy or not, and Con is only great when we’re great to each other.

If you’re of the neurospicy persuasion, we hope this helps you have a great, safe, and welcoming Con!

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