2015 Parsec Awards Winners

The 2015 Parsec Awards ceremony (Sun 5:30PM, Hyatt Regency V) honored the best in speculative fiction podcasting. Podcast shows are nominated by fans, finalists chosen by a yearly steering committee, and finalists voted on by an independent panel of judges from outside of podcasting.

Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Long Form)
“The Sinister Secret of StarNasty” OR “A Mike in the Mechanics” by Michael McQuilkin and Richard Wentworth, Hadron Gospel Hour

Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Short Form)
Aaron’s World by Mike Meraz (parent) and Aaron Meraz (child)

Best Podcast about Speculative Fiction Content Creation
The Journeyman Writer

Best Speculative Fiction Comedy/Parody Podcast
[1] New Message by Jamie Gower

Best Fact Behind the Fiction Podcast
Universe Today’s Guide to Space

Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (General)
The Incomparable

Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (Specific)
The Scot and the Sassenach by Lani Diane Rich and Alastair Stephens

Best Speculative Fiction Story: Large Cast (Short Form)
“Last Contact” by Rish Outfield and Bigg Anklevich, The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine

Best Speculative Fiction Magazine or Anthology Podcast

Best New Speculative Fiction Podcaster/Team

Best Speculative Fiction Story: Small Cast (Long Form)
The Black by Paul E. Cooley

Best Speculative Fiction Story: Small Cast (Short Form)
“O’Malley’s Media Storm” by V.C. Morrison, Seminar

Best Speculative Fiction Video Story
Mario Warfare

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