How to Shorten Your Wait Time at On-Site Registration

The overwhelming consensus among y’all is that the least fun ride at Dragon*Con is the waiting-in-line one (although some of you have managed to turn necessity into virtue by using the opportunity to do some prime people watching and socializing).

If you have not preregistered and are paying on-site, here’s a tip for shortening the time you have to spend waiting in line at on-site registration:

  • Take this link to our On-Site Registration QR Code Generator.
  • Fill out the form and submit it*.
  • Print out the PDF file with QR Code that it generates and bring it with you to on-site registration.
  • After you’ve arrived on-site and gone through the registration cashier line, there will be a special line at data entry for those of you who have this PDF printout to speed up your registration experience.

As always, you will need to bring a valid government-issued photo ID to complete your registration.

See the main Dragon*Con website for more information about on-site registration.

[*This form is not connected to any database. It is merely a utility for printing your own QR Code. The QR Code will contain all your demographic information, mildly encrypted and base64 encoded.]

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