Anne Chadwick

Anne Chadwick has been dashing off terrible artwork at her home in rural England for only a very short while. She started life as a singer and viola player (please send any amusing viola jokes to but has turned her hand to proofreading because the world needs writing—ahem—righting. Another passion of hers, alongside music and championing good usage of English, is the learning of other languages. The current target is Arabic, through classes, book-learning, reading Arabic literature and—most important when learning any new language—interacting with real live native speakers; in this case, Arabs. Her current addiction to crochet leaves little time for other relaxing occupations but her comic bats keep her company when the hooks just won't do what she wants them to do. You may see her modelling (or "modeling" in America!) the odd crocheted creation around the con, if you look closely enough.

Templars: Fact and Fiction

The Knights Templar, a medieval order of warrior monks sworn to protect pilgrims to the Holy Land, have been romanticized in popular fiction since early in their history. The first Templars story, a poem called Le Conte du Graal, was written in 1180 by Chretien de Troyes. Troyes’ work was “imitated” by contemporary writers who linked the Templars with the… Read more →

Kryptos and Other Unsolved Codes

Elonka Dunin: game developer by day, cryptographer by night. To clarify, she does not spend her free time in crypts; she makes and breaks codes, and her obsession in recent years has been the Kryptos sculpture at CIA headquarters, Langley. Kryptos is a commissioned copper structure out of which an apparently random series of letters was carved by artist and… Read more →

A Peek into Georgia Aquarium

Georgia Aquarium is the biggest in the world for volume of water and numbers of fish and animals, with 8 million gallons of water, compared to the next biggest aquarium which has “only” 1 million! And on Saturday night from 7:30 to 11PM, Dragon*Con-goers will have exclusive access to this record-breaking attraction. You’ll come in through the main entrance as… Read more →