Devi Snively

Devi (pronounced DAY-vee) Snively is an adjunct professor at the University of Notre Dame where she teaches her always over-enrolled course “Cultures of Fear: Anthropological Perspectives of the Horror Film,” the impetus for her upcoming book. She has worked professionally as a ballerina, Spanish translator, hair model, book editor, video game writer, documentary filmmaker, newspaper columnist, and video editor. She’s been decidedly unprofessional in several other careers.

Lost in Translation: Dragon*Con Style

I felt like Bill Murray in the beginning of Lost in Translation only instead of being the tallest person in the crowded hotel elevator, I was the only one not donning wings, latex or a Storm Trooper uniform. I had just checked in at the Atlanta Hyatt Regency where I’d come to attend Dragon*Con, America’s largest annual popular arts convention… Read more →