Mark Fingerman

The Dragon Wears A Square Ring

Once again the flying wonders of the squared ring returned to Dragon*Con. Fred Saberhagen hosted the mixture of rocking and socking inside the roped coliseum. Stars from the historical annals of “sports entertainment,” Abdullah the Butcher, and Glacier, plied their trade in front of a standing room audience in the Main Regency Ballroom. Steve from 99X and “Mr. Monopoly” (John… Read more →

Just Call Me Dragon*Con of the Morning

Brett Martin and Dave the Cameraman from area television show, “Good Day Atlanta,” came to take a look at the convention on Friday morning. The local Fox Network affiliate, Channel 5, brought their talent and equipment to take a look for life in the morning. And to the credit of the convention, there was a (I hate to use the… Read more →