Joe Church

Joe Church returns for his second Dragon Con this year. With interests from art to science and everything in between, he hopes to contribute some cool articles to the Daily Dragon.  

The Many Charity Auctions of Dragon Con

All day Saturday, the charity auctions have been aiming to reach their goal of $100,000 (and hopefully set a record). The Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary will receive 50% of the proceeds, the Georgia Conservancy 30%, and the Marcus Autism Center 20%. This year, Dragon Con asked its fans to help select our three official charities via polls on social media…. Read more →

Not the Parade of My Youth

Not the Parade of My Youth

On Saturday at 10AM, most of the Dragon*Con attendees were outside along the parade route to see all of the spectacular costumes and floats, and this year was particularly amazing. From anime to zombies and from the playfulness of fairies to the darkness of Netherworld, there were costumes to suit every taste in fandom, including storm troopers, knights, trekkers, dragons,… Read more →

Blood Drive Sucks Me In

I have always wanted to give blood, but because of my age (under 18) and home country (Canada), I was never able to do so legally.  I arrived at Dragon*Con to find out that this year’s blood drive is bigger and better than ever, and I am officially eligible to donate blood.  After less than an hour, I received my… Read more →

Cogs, Gears, and Music: The Extraordinary Contraptions

A mad genius, a time traveler, a lawman, and a gentleman explorer; this combination could only mean that The Extraordinary Contraptions had hit the stage to start the show. Each member of the group came on stage with their own introductions and back stories. If you love steampunk, a good show, or both, then the Centennial Ballroom in the Hyatt… Read more →

Thursday Night Delights: Valentine Wolfe

After spending two straight days at the Veld earlier this month in Toronto, this reporter feels like something of an expert when it comes to concerts. So naturally I was keen to attend one of the first gigs of the weekend. Performers Valentine Wolfe, a gothic duo from South Carolina, played Thursday night starting at 10PM. Their style infused heavy… Read more →