Kevin Shirley

A Long-Awaited Return: Garrett Wang

Garrett Wang has directed the Trek Track at Dragon Con for 8 years. He does so because he loves Dragon Con, loves entertaining people, loves science fiction, and is a nerd at heart. Usually his duties keep him so busy that he doesn’t even try to conduct his own Q&A. Even with a great staff helping him out, his job… Read more →

The Masterpiece: 40 Years of Star Wars

Fans gathered in the Hilton Grand West Sunday afternoon to discuss the 40th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode IV—A New Hope. Tom Hutchens, Caitlin Pleasher, Chadwick Miller, Charlotte Errity, Kevin Reitzel, and Michael Morris brought different generational perspectives and experiences that spanned the gamut of Star Wars fandom. Panel moderator Tom Hutchens began by asking the panel to share their… Read more →

Drowned in Moonlight: Remembering Fisher and Baker

Last year saw the passing of two of the Star Wars family’s founding members: Carrie Fisher (Leia Organa) and Kenny Baker (R2D2). The Dragon Con Star Wars track took time to reflect upon their lives and legacies on Saturday afternoon in Hyatt Centennial I. Sue Kisenwether, Christy Morris, Michael Faulkner, Sarah Dempster, Bruce Gibson, and moderator Bryan Young led fans… Read more →

“Thank God for Star Trek”: The Next Generation

“Thank God for Star Trek”: The Next Generation

On Saturday afternoon, the Hilton Grand Salon ballroom was home to one of the most dynamic and entertaining panels this year as the stars of Star Trek: The Next Generation (ST:TNG) literally took command of the room. Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis and Brent Spiner launched the hour with an “improve” that had to bring back memories… Read more →

Everybody Loves Their First Doctor

The Hilton Crystal ballroom hosted the BritTrack panel “Doctor Who—Season 10 in Review” Friday afternoon. A veteran fan panel including Allison Lane, Andrew Hartley, Robert Bowen, Robert Lloyd, and Dr. Scott Viguié escorted the assembled Doctor Who fans through season ten. The discussion began, naturally, with the Doctor and especially the growth of Peter Capaldi. The consensus across the table… Read more →

Rockin’ the Track with Klingon Karaoke

Rockin’ the Track with Klingon Karaoke

After a full and successful launch of the 2017 Trek Track at Dragon Con, team Star Trek welcomed fans into the Hilton Galleria Friday night for “Klingon Karaoke.” A steady stream of fans signed up to perform, and with each song, the crowd became more and more engaged. Performers had obviously planned ahead, time and again tying their song selection… Read more →

Harry’s Promotion: Trek Trivia

Harry’s Promotion: Trek Trivia

Peter Stolmeier, Trey Tackett, Gabrielle Scandrett, and special guest Garrett Wang welcomed Star Trek trivia masters to “Win Harry Kim’s Latinum: Trek Trivia” Friday evening in the Hilton Galleria 2–3. Clips from Star Trek: Voyager episodes which focused (naturally) on Wang’s character, Ensign Harry Kim, provided the material for the questions. Each clip gave Wang an opportunity to share a… Read more →