Nivair H. Gabriel

Nivair H. Gabriel has whiled away her twenty-four years of life on Earth as a writer, feminist, engineer, photographer, and fangirl. She is a graduate of the Odyssey Writing Workshop and has contributed to, Fantasy Magazine, Pittsburgh Magazine, MIT's The Tech, and the Hugo Award-winning Weird Tales. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and lives in Boston, Massachusetts, where she works as a technical writer by day and sometimes sleeps by night. She believes that the existence of Jon Stewart is proof of God's love for humankind. This is her fourth Dragon*Con.

Bridging Two Worlds: A Chat with Jennifer Ouellette

A speaker in the Science, Skeptics, and Writer’s Track, Jennifer Ouellette has authored fun and fascinating books The Physics of the Buffyverse, Quantum Cats: Tales from the Annals of Physics, and most recently The Calculus Diaries: How Math Can Help You Lose Weight, Win in Vegas, and Survive a Zombie Apocalypse. For two years she has been the director of… Read more →

Firefly Class Reunion

Saturday afternoon, in front of a packed Hyatt Centennial Ballroom, four crew members from the beloved ship Serenity met for the first and only time at this Dragon*Con in front of a packed Hyatt Centennial Ballroom. And as if Morena Baccarin, Jewel Staite, Sean Maher, and Summer Glau weren’t enough, Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk joined the festivities via prank-call… Read more →

Kaylee and Simon Together Again!

Before the “Simon and Kaylee Reunited!” panel on Friday evening, Jewel Staite revealed on her Twitter feed that attending fans could expect a surprise. In fact, there were two–and the first was the bottle of champagne that Sean Maher uncorked with a swift pop and poured into two waiting glasses. “We figured that since it’s Friday, and our first Q&A… Read more →

Torchwood: The Ianto Jones Experience

Gareth David-Lloyd and James Marsters were cutting up right from the start of Friday’s panel “Torchwood: The Captain Jack Experience.” Over the next hour, the two delighted the audience and interviewer Rob Levy with their stories of on-set camaraderie, and the fans returned the favor with a gorgeous tribute video to one Ianto Jones. “Captain Jack?” asked David-Lloyd as he… Read more →

BritTrack Goes Inside the BBC

The British sci-fi media (Brit) track is full of goodies on Doctor Who and its spinoffs, Monty Python, Being Human, and more. On Friday afternoon, writer Louis John Robinson helped demystify the Goliath behind all of these programs at “Inside the BBC.” Robinson’s advice to aspiring writers was sobering: “If you have a great idea,” he said, “do not give… Read more →

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