Paul J. Iutzi

Moscow, Innsbruck, Cairo, Tokyo, New Delhi, Santiago: these are just some of the far-flung places and exotic locales where you will not find Paul J. Iutzi. Instead, you must seek out the little known hamlet of Normal, Illinois, where he lives on a vast, perhaps even palatial, estate, spending most of his time dodging the owners and their dog Chambrié. Between escapades of astounding interest, he manages to find time to both write what will in later generations be seen as the greatest works of the English language since Brother Michael of Sashay-upon-the-Wabe first split the infinitive during that heady spring of 812 A.D.

The Cruxshadows: Rogue’s Hair!?

Dateline: Montreal/Vancouver Room, Hyatt Regency, Dragon*Con. Sources who attended the “Wishes, Mysteries, and Fallen Angels: The Crüxshadows” panel on Saturday report that the most famous hairstyle in all of Dragon*Con, that of the Crüxshadows’s front man, founding member, and visionary, Rogue, may be no more. The signature towering spikes that have so enthralled fans across the world were said to… Read more →

Ready, Get Set, Talk: Speed Dating in Buffy Track

“Ready, get set… talk!” And so began the most interesting entry I’ve ever seen in the schedule grid: “Buffy/Angel Speed Dating.” More than 50 voices fill the room with the cacophony of more than 25 separate conversations. Each person talks to the person across from them. It’s a way to overcome the inevitable impersonalization that has occurred as Dragon*Con became… Read more →

Firefly Cast Visits Dragon*Con

If you are a fellow fan of the show Firefly, you are already familiar with Nathan Fillion, Jewel Staite, and Adam Baldwin. If you’re not familiar with the show (in which case, go now, rent, borrow, or purchase the DVD set, and watch it), they play three members of the crew of the starship Serenity, plying the space-lanes, doing various… Read more →