Tanya Stone

Myths & Legends

A panel of born storytellers is the best place to rest your exotically-shoed feet for an hour, especially if the storytellers are shooting the breeze about a topic so weighty as the X-Files. This was my experience at the X-Files track’s panel on Myths and Legends Thursday, featuring panelists Brian Froud, Ian McDowell, Graham Watkins, and Joanna Sherman. Well, sort… Read more →

Electronic Frontiers Forum

Can you criticize a large corporation on a personal website? Lawyer and Electronic Frontiers Forum (EFF) panelist J. Scott McClain thinks so, and spearheaded the EFF track Thursday afternoon with the current “sexy” web topic entitled “Freedom of Speech on the Internet”. What would no doubt prove to be Dragon*Con’s highest concentration of computer programmers and enthusiasts (outside of the… Read more →

Freedom of Speech on the Internet

Can you criticize a large corporation on a personal website? Lawyer and Electronic Frontiers Forum (EFF) panelist J. Scott McClain thinks so, and spearheaded the EFF track Thursday afternoon with the current “sexy” web topic entitled “Freedom of Speech on the Internet”. What would no doubt prove to be Dragon*Con’s highest concentration of computer programmers and enthusiasts (outside of the… Read more →