JP Barnaby

JP Barnaby, an award-winning gay romance novelist, is the author of over two dozen books, including Aaron and Painting Fire on the Air. When she's not hanging out with porn stars or being spanked by hot guys in leather, she binge watches shows like Daredevil and Agents of Shield. A physics geek, she likes the science side of Sci-Fi, and wants to grow up to be Reed Richards.

Are Ewoks Teacup Wookies?: Genetics in Sci-Fi Settings

Are Ewoks Teacup Wookies?: Genetics in Sci-Fi Settings

On Sunday afternoon at the Hilton, Bethany Brookshire (@scicurious), Eric Spana (@ericspana), Tina Saey (@thsaey), and Gregory Pence with moderator Yin-Yin Wong took on the topic of genetics in different science fiction worlds. The first arena they entered was the Canadian TV series Orphan Black about a woman whose life is on the skids so she takes the identity of… Read more →

The Legality of Fanfic and Cosplay

Have you written a book? Created a gorgeous piece of artwork? Transformed your poetry from ideas onto paper? Protect yourself by registering a copyright ( However, how do you know if you’re infringing on someone else’s copyright? The goal in creativity is expression, not litigation. In this informative panel on Sunday at the Hilton, Erica Farmer, Meredith Rose, and Courtney… Read more →

How to Make a Captain America of Your Very Own

How to Make a Captain America of Your Very Own

You know when you walk into a room and Eric Spanna is a panelist, it’s going to be a great time. I’d not seen Sarah Bay speak before, and her witty and charismatic counterpoint made for a wonderful discussion about the cinematic methods used to turn Steve Rogers into Captain America and how they might be able to reproduce that… Read more →

My First Cosplay Experience

My First Cosplay Experience

This year, I made cosplay one of my New Year’s resolutions. I’d been to Dragon Con for the first time the year before, and in my constant battle with social anxiety, I resolved to don the uniform of the con and become someone else. Cosplay is a social thing, at least that’s what it appears to those of us who… Read more →

Umm… It Doesn’t Work That Way

Have you ever played a video game and wondered—wow, is this even possible? Sometimes, we’re just so into the game that the implausible doesn’t register. But what if you were a scientist and you knew the rules of physics and biology? Would those inconsistencies niggle at the back of your brain? During “Bad Science in Video Games” in the Hyatt’s… Read more →

Use the Zombie Apocalypse to Help Your Next IT Project

Use the Zombie Apocalypse to Help Your Next IT Project

Ever been on an IT project that turned into a disaster? I certainly have. Did you know that the process cycle of dealing with a disaster closely mimics that of an IT project cycle? Coincidence? In a well-thought out presentation at 2:30PM Friday at the Westin (Chastain F–H), Hans Eckman (@HansEckman) discussed how planning for a zombie apocalypse can teach… Read more →

Social Aspects of Space Colonization

Social Aspects of Space Colonization

Do you dream of the stars? Want to look out of the window to see your ship passing the rings of Saturn? It’s an interesting premise, one that science fiction authors have contemplated for decades. Whether colonists survive on a ship or terraform a planet, there are more than just environmental dangers. Emotional and psychological effects of isolation and forced… Read more →

Jurassic World: Plot-a-saurus Rex

Jurassic World: Plot-a-saurus Rex

I’ll start this piece by admitting I hated the movie Jurassic World. The fourth installment of the franchise turned out to be the first movie with different kids. Everything, from the hamster ball, to the running through the jungle in high heels, to training velociraptors with a clicker, was so far beyond the realm of believable that it pulled me… Read more →