From Page to Stage Comic Book Pageant Winners

The “From Page to Stage Comic Book Pageant” announced its winners Saturday. The contest was presented by comic book writers Peter David and George Perez. The judges were Georges Jeanty, Comfort Love, and Adam Withers.

Yes, We do Want to Kill Batman Award: Kelsey McCarter as Harley Quinn

Biggest Little Award: Keelia Gaffey as Supergirl

Prettiest Rodent Award: Lauren Napoli and Annie Eason as Betty and Dee from Rat Queens

Judge’s Choice Award: Michael Wuttke and Hannah Wuttke as Magneto and Hannah Doom

Third Place: Faelan Wilson as Thor Odinson

Second Place: Christine Marchese as Bleez, Red Lantern Corps

Photos by Joe Lombardo

First Place: Brema Ebbing, Dom Williams, Denzel Wright, Chris Gunn, Erika Williams, Snia Williams, Lauryn Roberts, Weadell Smith, Jeana Espisito, Milinda Williams, Verne Williams, and Seane Sawyer as the Black Panther Wedding


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