And the winners are…
- Best in Show: Alex McGee
- 2nd Place: Mackenzie Lipps
- 3rd Place: Kolten Grell
- Best Star Wars: Grady McCullough
- Best TV: Emily Lipps
- Best Superhero: Madison Ricketts, Gabrielle Carter, Elizabeth Carter
- Honorable Mention: Dakota Roebuck, Andrea Shaver, Nicole Shaver, Jackson Craven, Jessica Koontz, Cooper Freeman, Rhiannon Birchfield, Kenzie Fillet, Nobel Fillet, Kaitlyn Fillet, Hunter Leininger, Cameron Leininger, Sean Reavis, Stephen Lewis, Coll A. Imundi, Adam Britt, Savannah Reddish, Tori Waldrup, Sabrina Kennedy, Bethany Smith, Katie Commander, Nicole Commander, Molly Commander, Arielle Brents, Christina Guardino, Monica Guardino, Amy Bryan, Randy Fussell, Nolan Roberson, William Parker, Michael Dyer, Gabriel Pell, Gavin Brown
- Best in Show: Kim Sanders, Claire Yurko
- Best Group: Gerrel Sterling (and 3 unnamed family members)
- Best Horror: Kearney Smith
- Best Couple: Suzanne & Landon M. Shannon
- Best Video Game: Carter Eastis, Catherine Brown
- Best Cartoon: Patrick Weisgerber
- Best Literary Character: Joseph Martel
- Best Doctor Who: Lynette Gilbert
- Best Sci Fi: James Norman, Christina Jones
- Best Gaming Character: David D. Raney
- Best Villain: Kate Blankenship, Johnny Havoc
- Best Video Game Group: Rob Eine, Jessica Xie, Jacai Hoang (5 others unnamed)
- Best Classic Video Game: James M. Lampson, Alex Weaver, Kyle Gilstrap, Graham Dunlap
- Best TV Character: Patterson Lindquist
- Best Comic Book Character: Ashlee Hackett
- Best Superhero: Walter Dean
- Best Graphic Novel: Kurtis Beliveau, Kelly Wu
- Best Star Wars: John Fretz, Jessica Hall
- Most Original: Jessica Jade, Andrew Lee Triplett
- Best Disney Princess: Abigail Singer
- Best Movie Character: Jonathon Yousef
- Best Use of Smallest Amount of Material: Amy Guess
- Best Meme: Jonathon Belskus
- Best Fantasy Video Game: Jennifer Alford
- Largest Costume: Billy Dubose
- Best Retro Villain: John Wright
- Best Cartoon Villain: John Dearing, Tiffany Barron
- Best Demon Slayer: Ann McManus
- Best TV Group: Alice Deane, Elizabeth McCarthy, Daniel McCarthy, Charles Rison
- Most Popular Man: Christopher Wilbanks
- Most Popular Woman: Jessica Maietta
[gview file=”” save=”0″][Download the full 2012 Hall Costume Contest Presentation, including Honorable Mentions, as a PDF]