- Mechbird: FIRST PLACE and BEST ANIMATION, directed by Ashley Auld.
- The Day of the Subgenius: SECOND PLACE, directed by Chris Hopewell.
- Baby-Cue, Animation–HONORABLE MENTION, directed by Hazel Grian.
Magic Realism
- Dwindling: FIRST PLACE, and BEST SHORT, directed by Arnie Lerner.
- Fate & Fortune: SECOND PLACE, directed by Keith Jefferies.
- The Reckoning: HONORABLE MENTION, directed by Chris Barfoot and Robert Clother.
- Foley Street: FIRST PLACE, directed by Tim Clayton and Rob Crowther.
- Jack Pierce–The Man Behind the Monsters: SECOND PLACE, directed by Scott Essman.
Extreme Horror
- Grasp: FIRST PLACE, directed by Brendan Donovan.
- Daddy’s Little Girl: SECOND PLACE, directed by Andrew Landesman.
- Habirth: FIRST PLACE, directed by Martin Thorne.
- Hope: SECOND PLACE, directed by Ron Brinkmann.
General Comedy
- Only Joking: FIRST PLACE, directed by Michael Patrick Kelly
- Quest for the Holy Porcelain: SECOND PLACE, directed by Ari Eisner
- C.O.G. vs. The Phantom: HONORABLE MENTION, directed by Lewis D’Aubin and Jim Fairchild.
Gothic Horror
- August: FIRST PLACE, directed by Hoku Uchiyama.
- SadoMannequin: SECOND PLACE, directed by Jim Torres.
- Shadowbox: HONORABLE MENTION, directed by Michael Malone.
Horror Comedy
- The Boogerman: FIRST PLACE, directed by Jeff Eagle.
- Timmy’s Wish: SECOND PLACE, directed by Patrick Cannon.
- Quiet: HONORABLE MENTION, directed by Sylvain White.
Science Fiction
- The Machine: FIRST PLACE, directed by Michael Craft.
- Redemption: Episode I: SECOND PLACE, directed by Jay A. Kelley.
- Division Trade: HONORABLE MENTION, directed by Christos Chrestatos.
- Paranoia3: HONORABLE MENTION, directed by Cathy Raymond, Saif Ansari, and Nick Nigro.
- Nerd Wars: FIRST PLACE, directed by Elton Sebastian.
- Dial “A” for Alphaman: SECOND PLACE, directed by Mike Jackson.
- Evilbusters: HONORABLE MENTION, directed by Aaron King.
- The Human BEEing: HONORABLE MENTION, directed by Tony Shea.