Con Etiquette (NO, it’s not a state East of New York!)

It’s your first Dragon*Con? Great! You’ve been attending Dragon*Con since the very first one? Absolutely fantastic!! Here are a few reminders of things that might slip your mind in all the excitement:

  • Always remember “Please” and “Thank you.” You learned these tools early in your life and they’ll do magical things for you throughout your time at Dragon*Con.
  • Pick up your trash. Nobody likes a litterbug.
  • If you’re stopping to look, talk, regroup, take a picture, light a bonfire, or pray to your deity, please move to the side and don’t block the isle or walkway.
  • Make sure to invite your neighbor to your party. You defuse a lot of problems in advance that way.
  • If you dress up like an eight foot tall orc, expect small children to be frightened of you. What did you expect for them to do, snuggle up to you like Santa Claus or a pet kitten?!
  • Ask before you start to snap a photo of someone. They may have already stood still for fifteen other photos and be in desperate need of a restroom break!
  • Do remember to bathe or shower, use deodorant, and put on a fresh change of clothes. Hygiene is still important no matter what game you happen to be playing.
  • Be good to each other. We convention folk are a friendly and varied group. No two of us are even remotely alike. The single greatest asset we all share is our overflowing goodwill for each other, but I guess I didn’t need to remind anyone about this.

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