Art Show: A Must See

Each year many talented artists are selected to display their work at the Dragon*Con Art Show. The themes are science fiction, fantasy, horror, media, and astronomical, created in styles and media so diverse and unique that the works on display will impress viewers in a multitude of ways.

Meet the legendary Darrell K Sweet, probably best known for his cover art for Robert Jordan‘s Wheel of Time book series. Influenced by J.R.R. Tolkien, Darrell Sweet has produced some of the greatest fantasy work of the 20th century.

Artist Gris Grimly will be showing some of his many wonderful creations including a trailer for an upcoming movie. His influences include Clive Barker, Tim Burton, Brian Froud and many others. Gris will be showing many of his originals— a first for Dragon*Con.

deviantART, the largest online art community in the world, will be presenting a special Dragon*Con Prints Gallery for the event to showcase some of the hottest fantasy and science fiction artwork from around the world.

In addition to the physical artwork, the Art Gallery has recently expanded to include a virtual show of some truly outstanding digital artwork on video monitors.

Many exciting events are planned for the Dragon*Con 2005 Art Show, including the 5th annual “Iron Artist” contest, a large canvas on which all the artists can work, an art salon, making art with live models, live music, demos, how-to’s, and other events, including their first fantasy and Science Fiction Wearable Art and Original Fashion Show!

If you have ever wanted to unleash your inner artist, check out the Art Show Programming Track—this may be the year you do it!

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