Journey Into the Black

Black Sky Training is sponsoring a suborbital flight simulator. As part of the Orbital Commerce Project, the program offers a preview of the effort to bring space flight beyond NASA’s efforts. Get a taste of the greatest thrill known to man (landing). Fly, (or crash yourself) for a few minutes in the cockpit, and get some Bawls mints. If you really want to be an astronaut when you grow up, you can enter to win a place in their training programculminating in a solo flight.

Co-owner Bryan Athan patiently guides participants through the controls and the objectives of the simulator. Use a light hand, remember which way is down, and which is up! If you have a flight simulator on your computer, we recommend a couple runs on it before waiting in line. While you are waiting, you can view other participants’ reactions to the sim. There is no charge for your session. The lines are sure to get long, but the experience is worth at least one attempt.

Exit the Hyatt at street level, and you will find the simulator in a big black trailer to the left. Orbital Commerce Project t-shirts are also available if you want a souvenir.

Author of the article

Claire Greiner currently makes her living in insurance sales—at least, until she figures out what she really wants to be when she grows up. Having grown up in Michigan, she loves the outdoors and spends the nicer weekends (all five of them) at the beach or hiking in the woods. Her hobbies include cooking, music, computer games (an admitted Civilization addict), and gardening (currently limited to a small container garden on her apartment's balcony). Her most recent writing has been website copy and marketing campaigns for her employer. She hopes to get back in touch with her "geek streak" by going to grad school in the next couple years. Claire also spends a fair amount of time and energy making sure her friend Geoff Termorshuizen stays out of trouble.