Man Finds Golden Ticket To Comic Writing

Moments after writers Dan Jolley and Marie Croall finished telling a room full of aspiring comic book writers how hard it is to break into comics, one writer found out all he needs to do is make one phone call.

“The only way to learn to write scripts is to write scripts,” Croall said. “You have to get out there and do it (yourself), and do it consistently over time and then take it to a publisher.”

“The likelihood of getting a paying job is virtually nil,” Jolley said.

Shortly after saying this, a man raised his hand and said. “I would like to write comics, and I write for the Cartoon Network.”

“You write for the cartoon network?” Croall said. “You can just call an editor, that’s golden ticket stuff. Hell, just call up [Marvel Editor in Chief Joe] Quesada.”

Author of the article

Matt Schafer is an award-winning former journalist who left the land of daily deadlines to pursue a career in novel writing. More on him and his work can be found at