Comics and Criticism

The second annual Dragon*Con Academic Mini Conference, in collaboration with the Institute for Comics Studies, presented three panels featuring scholarly studies of comics and pop culture. On Sunday, a panel of three graduate students discussed their work. Sabrina Starnaman (University of California-San Diego) examined Jonathan Hickman’s The Nightly News for his commentary on the struggle for autonomy in an insidiously powerful state. Brian Curtis (Nashville State Community College) discussed how superheroes provide a vehicle for achieving a fully developed psyche. Stuart Lenig (Columbia State) explored the social, political, and economic concerns reflected in today’s television and cinema.

Author of the article

Katya Jenson grew up reading her mom's collection of science fiction and still thinks sci-fi cover art peaked in the '70s. She works in the editorial department of an Atlanta publishing house, and freelances as a book editor and translator. This is Katya’s second Dragon*Con, and her second year happily polishing commas and murdering apostrophes for the Daily Dragon.