Dragon*Con TV 2012 Broadcast Schedule

Because folks can’t be in multiple places at one time or always get to the most popular events at Dragon*Con, we live broadcast as well as video record some events for later showing on Dragon*Con TV.

Check out the full 2012 DCTV broadcast schedule (link opens a Google Docs spreadsheet). You can also access the DCTV broadcast schedule as a PDF in Show Documents of the mobile app.

dctv logo
DCTV broadcasts to all five host hotels, so be sure to tune your dials when you check in:

  • Hyatt: 42
  • Marriott: 74
  • Hilton: 65
  • Sheraton: 72
  • Westin: 49

And be sure to catch The Late Show, a daily morning show so early it’s late, full of news and updates every day of the convention, brought to you by the Daily Dragon and DCTV—now with live studio audiences! Broadcast live from 9:00-9:30AM and rebroadcast later in the day, The Late Show will also be available as a podcast from The Late Show and Daily Dragon websites.

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