Thursday Night Delights: Valentine Wolfe

After spending two straight days at the Veld earlier this month in Toronto, this reporter feels like something of an expert when it comes to concerts. So naturally I was keen to attend one of the first gigs of the weekend.

Performers Valentine Wolfe, a gothic duo from South Carolina, played Thursday night starting at 10PM. Their style infused heavy hitting bass with harmonized eerie vocals. The duo did not stop there—they added to their milkshake of macabre with a drum machine and electronic harmonies. Using the strings on the double bass affected a very nice touch to the complexity of the music.

Their style is not simple; they easily flow into many genres using their unique sound, blending gothic, vaudevillian, and electronic. Valentine Wolfe have created a sound that is as unique as it is mesmerizing. It captivated me and certainly had the audience enthralled.

Author of the article

Joe Church returns for his second Dragon Con this year. With interests from art to science and everything in between, he hopes to contribute some cool articles to the Daily Dragon.