Party in the House: Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Masquerade Party

There was a packed room Friday night at 7PM at the Hyatt Regency VI-VII for the premiere release of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s new Dark-Hunter book Stygian. First there was Acheron. Then Styxx. And now… Stygian.

All of the stops were pulled out for this event. Quincy J. Allen moderated, and Sherrilyn came out in full costume to greet all the fans and answer questions. She was delightful and charming. When fans asked whether there would be a book about various characters, she had a pat answer: “Maybe…if he/she doesn’t die.” Of course, since her brother was there, she had to tell the story of when they were kids, she traded him for a wagon her neighbor had. It took her mother about six hours before she realized he was gone, and that was only after the realization that Sherrilyn was playing with a wagon the family had never previously owned. According to Sherrilyn, he was there this weekend to help her get into trouble. They both laughed. So did everyone in the room.

After the Q&A, Kenyon’s brother, Warchild, showcased a few of his music videos, entertaining the fans.

Of course, no Kenyon Dark Hunter book launch would not be complete without the leader of the Dark Hunters. Acheron was brooding in the background, leather jacket and sunglasses, not participating, but watching to make sure everyone was safe.

Ezra Adam’s Group, the band that wrote the theme song for Kenyon’s Chronicles of Nick book trailer, was in attendance performing a few songs from their albums. They came all the way from Boston for tonight only just to be on hand to support the release of this new and exciting new book.

Time passed quickly, and everyone hated to leave. It was a great time had by all and one that launched Stygian on its way to being a best seller.

Author of the article

Award-winning author Amanda Faith may have been raised in Dayton, but her heart and home is in the South. With a lifelong love of teaching and writing, she had plenty of encouragement from teachers and friends along the way. Loving a good puzzle has always been a fascination, and writing gives her the outlet to put all the pieces together. Being adventurous and loving to try new things, it wasn’t long before her characters found themselves in unusual situations. She loves to put people from two different worlds into new situations and to see how they interact, taking them on journeys they would never have normally experienced. Her current adventure working as a high school English professor turned Media Specialist, writing, and doing paranormal investigations doesn’t slow her down from having a great time with a plethora of hobbies. Her published credits include several short stories, poetry, several journal articles, her doctoral dissertation, and her award-winning book Strength of Spirit. With multiple degrees, she has a passion for learning and exploring new venues. She is a staff writer for The Daily Dragon at Dragon Con. Check out her new website ( or on Instagram (@dramandafaith)