’17 Panels/Events

Stan ‘the Man’ Lee! Excelsior!

Stan ‘the Man’ Lee! Excelsior!

Stan Lee—the man, the myth, the legend—graced Dragon Con goers on Friday at 1PM in the Marriot Atrium Ballroom for, perhaps, the last time. Lee, who will turn 95 this year, is the American comic-book writer known for many of Marvel Comics’ beloved, celebrated superheroes: Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, the Fantastic Four (his first creation, as he reminded the audience),… Read more →

The Road Goes Ever On

Dragon Con’s new High Fantasy track launched at 10AM Friday in L401–402 in the Marriott with “Namárië—Farewell Tolkien Track.” A passionate, devoted, and warm crowd joined Jim West, Grace Jackson, Rebecca Perry, and Kirsten Cairnes, senior staff member of TheOneRing.net (TORn) to look back at the Tolkien track and consider the possibilities moving forward. TORn has long been a force… Read more →

Doing It with Heart: Michael Rooker

Doing It with Heart: Michael Rooker

Remember when Yondu (Michael Rooker) told Peter Quill in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, “I don’t use my head to fly the arrow, boy, I use my heart”? It’s an apt description of how Michael Rooker has tackled his acting career. At his Dragon Con press conference on Friday afternoon, Rooker spoke of approaching every role with the intention of making the character someone fans would be so enthralled with that they would want more. Rooker certainly isn’t afraid to give a part his… Read more →

Writers of the Future Judges Encourage Writers

On Saturday afternoon, a panel of judges for L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future contest (WotF) encouraged Dragon Con fans to enter the renowned contest. Moderated by Canadian science fiction author Robert J. Sawyer, the panel included five additional award-winning and best-selling authors also serving as WotF contest judges: Mike Resnick, Todd McCaffrey, Jerry Pournelle, Larry Niven, and Jody Lynn Nye. Sawyer said that author and contest-coordinating judge David Farland reviews the anonymous contest entries and winnows down the entries to eight finalists per contest quarter. Judges read these high-quality… Read more →

‘When Do You Need an Agent?’: Bill Fawcett Writer’s Intensive

Drawing on forty years of experience in the book business, Bill Fawcett answered his own query in an entertaining talk on Friday afternoon to Jody Lynn Nye’s Writer’s Intensive Workshop participants and alumni. Fawcett said that you should not have an agent until you have an offer in hand but that some authors are able to engage an agent earlier… Read more →

Night at Sanctuary

Night at Sanctuary

A large crowd gathered Thursday night at 7PM in Hyatt Regency VI–VII for a celebration of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dragonsworn and the launch of Intensity, the newest Chronicles of Nick novel. To help her celebrate the occasion, she was joined by Aletha Kontis, Leanne Renee Hieber, Mari Mancusi, and Quincy J. Allen. The event was joyous and magical. There were posters… Read more →