’19 Panels/Events

Panelists from YA of Yore panel

YA of Yore: Classics of YA Fantasy

Literature can endure for centuries or fade within moments. Sometimes, it takes a generation to appreciate what we had. Sometimes readers get to witness classics in the making—as in the case of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series. Love it or hate it, Harry Potter is the current standard by which YA literature popularity is measured. But what else should we—… Read more →

David Tennant

The Doctor Victorious

David Tennant, best known for Good Omens, Broadchurch, and of course his stint as the 10th Doctor on Doctor Who, started his panel early, a good omen for the fans who were lucky enough to get a seat in the packed Marriott Atrium Ballroom on Friday morning. The entire mood of the panel from the beginning was energetic and playful,… Read more →

Being Kind with Swag ‘N Seek

When people of like minds come together, a group is born. When these same people have the common goal of spreading kindness with small tokens to bring a smile to others, then you have Swag ‘N Seek. What exactly is Swag ‘N Seek? Members either make or purchase items, or “swag,” that they can swap swag with others, randomly hand… Read more →

Time Traveling the High Seas Guided by the Roll of the Dice

Time Traveling the High Seas Guided by the Roll of the Dice

Inconceivable? Not quite. On Thursday evening from 7-8:30PM, five experienced RPG players met in the Westin Augusta 1-2 for a gaming opportunity set in the world of The Princess Bride. GM Jeff Burns lead the following: Captain Salty Dog played by Paul Klotz; Lady Estonia played by Chelsea Steverson; Francesco Fernandez Santiago Sanchez played by Marx Pyle; and finally Vilker,… Read more →

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