’19 Interviews

Jim Nettles

At the Intersection of Glass, Game Theory, and Writing

Jim Nettles wears many different hats. He creates glass art, advises authors about using social media and other internet promotion, and has written a book on the business side of writing. As James P. McDonald, he writes two different fantasy series. The Daily Dragon sat down with him to explore these varied areas of interest. Daily Dragon (DD): Why glass… Read more →

The Murder of Jane Crow Band Flies into Dragon Con

The Murder of Jane Crow Band Flies into Dragon Con

Fascinated by the unique name and online presence, I asked Jane Crow from The Murder of Jane Crow band for more details. Daily Dragon (DD): Please describe your musical style. Do any genre labels fit? The Murder of Jane Crow (MJC): Classical Cabaret Gypsy Goth! The feedback we get at literally every show we play is that we don’t sound… Read more →

David Hewitt with Foot Pound Force

Rocker and Rocket Scientist David Hewitt

Cosplay is great, but some among us are truly living their dream. Meet real-life rocket scientist David Hewitt. Although David is returning to Dragon Con’s science- and tech-centric tracks, he also exercises his artistic talents playing bass and singing with fellow space fans in the Nerd Rock band Foot Pound Force. David will appear at Dragon Con in the Science,… Read more →