Marv Wolfman & George Pérez Together Again

Marv Wolfman & George Pérez Together Again

Friday morning at 10AM in Hyatt International South, legendary comic book creators Marv Wolfman and George Pérez discussed their collaborations and their friendship. Moderator Tony Barletta, the track director, kept the conversation moving.  The pair’s best-known collaborations were New Teen Titans (NTT) (1980) and Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985). They worked together earlier, though, when Wolfman edited Marvel’s Sons of… Read more →

Singing with the Elves

In a mash-up of High Fantasy and reality, Kathleen Dallin had the attendees separate by voice (Soprano, Alto, and Baritones) at the beginning of the panel held in Hilton Grand West Friday at 5:30PM to create an elf choir. Two pieces of music were handed out. Although music training was not necessary for this panel, it did help. Within an… Read more →

Catherine Tate: A One-Woman Zeitgeist

Catherine Tate is a one-woman zeitgeist. A red-headed goddess of sorts, entering the Hilton Grand Salon on Friday by saying “Thank you for coming. Let’s start a cult.” Yes, let’s. You, Ms. Tate, shall be our supreme leader. You may know Tate from Doctor Who as the indelible Donna Noble (no pun intended)—a companion of the 10th Doctor, played by… Read more →

Stranger and Stranger Things: The Cast Spills All

Stranger and Stranger Things: The Cast Spills All

Stranger Things—Netflix’s ultimate ode to the 1980s and nerd culture—came screaming back July 4, 2019 after an 18-month hiatus. Bloodier. Funnier. And sadder. With the characteristic humor, horror, and heart that has made it a cultural phenomenon, something cast members Cary Elwes, Shannon Purser, and Mark Steger were happy to dish about Friday at 5:30PM in the Sheraton Grand Ballroom…. Read more →

Can You Imagine It? A Magical Coming of Age in the 70s

What do you think Hogwarts was like when Severus, Lily, James, Peter, Arthur, Sirius, and Remus were all students? That was the deep question panelists tried to answer at “Time-turner: Hogwarts in the 70s.” Fans of the Potterverse met in Marriott A601-A602 Friday at 2:30PM to listen to panelists Ashley Poston, Hanako Ricks, Lindsay Ribar, Sarah Glenn Marsh, and Jennifer… Read more →

How to (Maybe) Write a Story in an Hour

A standing room only crowd squeezed into the Hyatt Embassy CD Friday morning at 10AM to learn How to Write a Story in an Hour. Nancy Knight guided the attendees in determining characters, story arc, and setting. After a brief reminder that every story needs a beginning, middle, and end along with a protagonist and an antagonist, the room began… Read more →

Dave Butler

Need a Mentor? Writing Track Provides Expert Guides

The Writers’ Track is offering new and emerging authors 15-Minute Mentor Sessions, a chance to meet with a “successful industry professional [authors, editors, and publishers] about business, promotion, the writing process, & career advice.” How could I resist? This afternoon, I met with D. J. (“Dave”) Butler as my selected mentor. Dave’s published novels include Witchy Eye, The Kidnap Plot,… Read more →