Science that Totally Rocks

After the disappointment of Friday night’s parties, and the double-fun of the Firefly and Battlestar Galactica parties on Saturday night, this reporter ventured out once more on Sunday night and was absolutely, positively, geekily blown away.

Travel Alert: Hurricane Gustav

The approach of Hurricane Gustav is affecting trains and flights to and through the Gulf Coast region. Many airports in the path of the storm will have suspended or limited service on Monday, including Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans and Mobile Downtown Airport in Mobile, AL, both of which are closed indefinitely. Delays and cancellations may affect flights… Read more →

Discussing the History of Pulp

John and Ian Lohr, a father-and-son publishing team from Wyoming, spoke at the Sunday afternoon panel “Pulp: the Foundations of the Forties and Fifties.” They shared their experiences working with the genre and invited the audience to participate in their literary rediscovery of science fiction classics.

Blood Drive Success!

The blood drive continues to be a huge success! According to Doc Koslow, the director of the drive, as of 5PM Sunday, 1,000 people have participated and donated 750 units. The drive expects to collect a total of 1,000 units by the close of Dragon*Con. This will break the record held by Comic-Con of 856 units. Almost all of the… Read more →

Comics and Criticism

The second annual Dragon*Con Academic Mini Conference, in collaboration with the Institute for Comics Studies, presented three panels featuring scholarly studies of comics and pop culture. On Sunday, a panel of three graduate students discussed their work. Sabrina Starnaman (University of California-San Diego) examined Jonathan Hickman’s The Nightly News for his commentary on the struggle for autonomy in an insidiously… Read more →

Top Nine Things Learned from the Cassini-Huygens Mission

Over in the Space Track, Forsythe (Hil), NASA scientist Trina Ray spoke about the latest and greatest discoveries from the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn. The Cassini Spacecraft launched on October 15th, 1997, and took seven years to reach Saturn. The four-year prime mission called for 75 orbits of Saturn, 45 targeted flybys of Titan, eight targeted icy satellite flybys, as… Read more →

Take Me Out to the Sheraton

In its first year as a host hotel, the Sheraton met the warm embrace of Dragon*Con attendees and their sweet, sweet parties. The Sheraton became party central Saturday night as music from three parties echoed through the hotel’s halls. Its distance from the other host hotels did nothing to deter any partiers who flooded the streets as they trekked to… Read more →

Meet the Stars of Harry Potter

Slash fiction has held its own in the Harry Potter canon of slash fiction for years, but it’s not a place actors go very often. Matthew Lewis, who plays Neville Longbottom in the HP movie adaptations, didn’t see it until a fan handed him a stack of stories.