Mythbusting for Fun and Profit

Due to unfortunate circumstances, Kari Byron and Grant Imahara had their flight delayed. Tory Belleci bravely took the stage by himself to thunderous applause from the audience. In true Mythbuster fashion, his first act as solo presenter was to bust the myth of his IMDB entry. Written by an acquaintance, Tory quickly denied the rumor that he was adopted and… Read more →

Podcasts are Go!

A new track dedicated to podcasting—the grass-roots “do-it-yourself radio”—made its Dragon*Con debut today for podcasters and their fans. Podcasting is the art, science, and general mayhem of creating, distributing, and consuming (listening to) audio shows on iPods and similar devices. Podcasting is taking the planet by storm, making itself heard in publishing, fandoms, gaming, marketing, education, and medicine among many… Read more →

A Few Minutes with Emerald Rose

I had a chance to chat with members of Emerald Rose as they prepared for their Sunday afternoon concert. Brian Sullivan, guitarist and singer, told me this would be the band’s 5th year performing at Dragon*Con, and they have built up a substantial fan base among con-goers. During that time, many have come to consider the “Celtic-American Folk-Rock” artists the… Read more →

Wanna Fly a Rocket Plane?

Dragon*Con is pleased to be able to offer convention-goers a chance to experience piloting a rocket powered aircraft, sponsored by the Orbital Commerce Project (OCP). A 27-foot air-conditioned trailer containing two high fidelity, non-motion, rocket powered aircraft simulators will be located on the Hyatt side of Peachtree Center Ave (the street between the Marriott and Hyatt) during the convention. The… Read more →

New Tracks for 2006

Dragon*Con, in our ongoing effort to schedule innovative and interesting programming for all our fans, has added four new tracks this year: Podcasting: Now and Beyond, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Literature, Silk Road: Asian Cinema and Culture, and Stargate: Offworld Fandom. The Podcasting: Now and Beyond track will include panels for fans to gab about their favorite podcasts, for aspiring podcasters… Read more →

2006 Charity Auction

This year, the proceeds from the annual DRAGON*CON CHARITY AUCTION will go to benefit The National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Look for Kevin Sorbo to make a special appearance alongside auctioneers Marc B. Lee of DDA, Inc., Orlando, FL—returning for his fourth year—and Michael Hanley of Cornucopia Auction Services, Austin, TX. Artists, dealers, exhibitors, guests, sponsors, and many others have generously… Read more →

The Dork of the Rings

Saturday night around 1AM finds many people here footsore, inebriated, and a bit weary of the crowds. The Dork of the Rings screening provided a needed break and some side-splitting laughter…the sort of laughter tinged with a “this is so wrong” feeling that marks a quality satire. Bobo Buggins pawns the Ring to Randolf, who in turn foists it on… Read more →

The State of the Fleet: Dark and Getting Darker

Battlestar Galactica is set to get a lot darker when the show returns to the Sci-Fi Channel this October. “As for the upcoming season, the two words you are going to hear a lot is dark and intense, so you really don’t want any spoilers,” technical advisor Kevin R. Grazier told a crowd of fans at “Sitrep: The State of… Read more →