Adult Swim: The Search For More Viewers

Continuing my quest to learn a bit about the Cartoon Network, I visited the second “Adult Swim” panel on Saturday. Following a montage taken from several series including Aqua Teen Hunger Force, 12 oz. Mouse, The Venture Bros., and Harvey Birdman, creators and crew members from Adult Swim answered fans’ questions about their favorite shows. The team behind Aqua Teen… Read more →

The Venture Brothers Strike First

Friday in the International Ballroom, this reporter attended a Q&A panel with the production team of The Venture Brothers, including co-creators Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer, as well as producer Ken Palme. First, the team announced that there will be a new episode premiered at their film festival Saturday at 10PM. Although they’ve done this festival for three years, this… Read more →


If you’ve visited any of the main programming events, you may have seen short television spots including one with Samuel L. Jackson, tired of Tribbles on a Ship, and the Logan’s Run living community catering to people under thirty. These and many others have entertained Dragon*Con attendees for several years and are the creations of DCTV, run by Brian Richardson…. Read more →

A Virgin Look at Dragon*Con

PART I: As I watched the endless streams of brightly- (and darkly-) colored costumes swirl through the lobby of the Hyatt, I was reminded of a very different, but strangely similar, spectacle many years ago: hordes of lanky, sweaty, dusty festival-goers as they trudged from camping places to blankets in front of the stage. These modern festival-goers put their forebears… Read more →

Journey Into the Black

Black Sky Training is sponsoring a suborbital flight simulator. As part of the Orbital Commerce Project, the program offers a preview of the effort to bring space flight beyond NASA’s efforts. Get a taste of the greatest thrill known to man (landing). Fly, (or crash yourself) for a few minutes in the cockpit, and get some Bawls mints. If you… Read more →

Be on TV: Good Day Atlanta Comes to Dragon*Con

Brett Martin will be shooting LIVE from Dragon*Con on Friday (9/1) from 7-9AM for FOX’s Good Day Atlanta. Got something Dragon*Con-related that would make for interesting TV? Do you make for interesting TV? Deck yourself out in your coolest costume, bring your gaming group, and ham it up. Brett might even interview you. This could be your 10 seconds of… Read more →

5th Annual Parade, Last Call!

Want to march in the 2006 Dragon*Con Parade but didn’t preregister? It’s not too late! Come by the Parade Table in the Grand Ballroom and sign up, Thu 4-8PM or Fri 9:30AM-8PM. You must be registered to participate. Remember to check in and pickup your parade ribbons. And if you just want to watch, we’re expecting over 1000 costumed Dragon*Con… Read more →

GMC Workshop Enlightens Writers

Debra Dixon, author of GMC: Goal, Motivation and Conflict, presented an abbreviated version of her three-hour GMC workshop to Dragon*Con writers. Featuring principles explained in her book, Dixon fielded questions and outlined her “who, what, why, and why not” approach to writing fiction, drawing on examples from The Wizard of Oz and other well-known movies. Dixon stressed that conflict was… Read more →