Crispin Emphasizes Pacing in Advanced Writers’ Workshop

Author Ann Crispin guided graduates of her basic workshop through the complexities of pacing on Saturday—day one of her two-day “Advanced Writers’ Workshop.” Crispin said that there is no “magic bullet” to conquer timing issues in fiction, but that it is essential that stories and novels be paced correctly to maintain reader interest. She added that it is very important… Read more →

Parties, Shindigs, Hootenannies (and announcements)

Gathering of the Mystic Wicks Online Community Announcing the first gathering of the Mystic Wicks Online Community members at Dragon*Con! All current members of Mystic Wicks are invited to assemble at the Con Suite on Friday night at 10:30pm. We may be relocating to a member’s hotel room from there, depending on how many members attend. Please feel free to… Read more →

Asian Cinema Night

While the DCI Film Festival’s screenings are dominated by the many excellent short films submitted for competition, they do make room for a limited number of feature-length independent films. This year, the DCI Film Festival will be screening two of the hottest Asian films: The Japanese horror picture, Marebito (Stranger From Afar), and the South Korean supernatural thriller Spider Forest… Read more →

Art Show: A Must See

Each year many talented artists are selected to display their work at the Dragon*Con Art Show. The themes are science fiction, fantasy, horror, media, and astronomical, created in styles and media so diverse and unique that the works on display will impress viewers in a multitude of ways. Meet the legendary Darrell K Sweet, probably best known for his cover… Read more →

King Kong: The Re-Imagining of an American Classic

KongIsKing.net, sister site to TheOneRing.net, presented a detailed analysis of the King Kong movie trailer released to coincide with this summers’ War of the Worlds.  Scheduled for release December 14th, 2005, this film is the iconic story of a gigantic ape captured in the wild and brought to civilization where he meets a tragic fate. The movie stars Jack Black… Read more →

Stormtrooper Red Cross Mission Successful

The 501st Stormtrooper Legion made its donation to the American Red Cross on Friday, Sept. 16th of the money collected at Dragon*Con 2005.  Red Cross Troopers raised an amazing $4005.01 to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.  Their gift was well accepted and appreciated. On behalf of the 501st, Floyd Grimm (TK9907, Georgia Garrison) stated, “I want to thank you… Read more →

Record-Breaking Blood Drive

In a record-breaking effort, over the four days of Dragon*Con 2005, LifeSouth collected 267 good units of blood from 309 donors during the Robert A. Heinlein Blood Drive. Most donors persevered, despite having to wait for an hour or more, displaying their dedication and commitment to the wellbeing of strangers–the victims of Hurricane Katrina. It just goes to show that… Read more →

Crispin Offers Self-Editing, Marketing Tips

Ann Crispin offered self-editing and marketing tips at her Advanced Writers’ Workshop at Dragon*Con 2005. The author of twenty-two novels, including seven New York Times bestsellers and Storms of Destiny, the first novel in a new fantasy trilogy published by EOS, Crispin annually shares her insights on writing and publishing with new and veteran writers at Dragon*Con. This year, Ann… Read more →