Saved by an Antler or Two

After a scheduling mix-up with Adam Baldwin for “Bad Angels,” Mercedes McNab struggled at first to get questions and even pleaded with the audience to fill the silence of two Centennial ballrooms. Then, questions started flowing from the microphone-shy fans. McNab seemed to recover from the awkwardness and even enjoyed the questions about her career and her time as Harmony… Read more →

Kokoro Me No Michi – Ninkage Ryu comes to Dragon*Con

I’m supposed to give a lecture right now. I don’t do lectures. This is about mayhem. Anyone here want to see mayhem?” A forest of hands sprang up at Grandmaster Sabutai Musashi’s question, and the fun began. Grandmaster Musashi’s demonstration included open hand techniques, weapons techniques, and blindfolded weapon techniques where he demonstrated the use of the sense he calls… Read more →

All Roads Lead to Dragon*Con

On a sidetrack of my own, I traveled briefly to Seatac with Dragon*Con fans Meg and George. I may have been on the yellow brick road to the Emerald City of Seattle, but Meg had no doubts about her mission to Atlanta. “It’s our chance to catch up with friends we haven’t seen,” Meg explained. The 2002 Miss Klingon had… Read more →

Star Trek Celebrities Woo Fans

Star Trek movie veteran Robin Curtis (Saavik), Connor Trinneer ( “Trip” Tucker, Enterprise), and Max Grodénchik (Rom, Deep Six Nine) joined Next Generation stars Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi) and LeVar Burton (Geordi LaForge) on Saturday evening to charm a standing-room crowd of fans for Trek Trak’s “Star Trek Celebrity Cavalcade.”  The panel fielded tough questions about their knowledge of Star… Read more →

Mad, Biting Cows Threaten Writers’ Track Audience

Tales of biting cows threatened to turn otherwise tame writers feral during a Writers’ Track research panel on Sunday afternoon. What could have been a deadly dull panel on research dos and don’ts became an amusing showcase of research disasters. Among the research mistakes described by panelists were pregnant mules and a bizarre magical village perched atop an active volcano…. Read more →

Thursday Night Concerts at Dragon*Con

Though Dragon*Con does not officially start until Friday those who came on Thursday still had entertainment. To begin the night’s performance Venus Falling, tech-op’s own Chris Camillo, kicked things off in the Hyatt’s Centennial Ballroom. He was a last minute replacement of C.O.G. who could not buy the gas to make it to Dragon*Con due to Hurricane Katrina. Belljar, a… Read more →

Parade Doubles from Last Year

The Dragon*Con Parade (Sat 10AM) promises to double in size this year. Last year, 460 participants marched through Atlanta streets. This year, 850 people of all ages have signed up and more continue to join the ranks. Expect to see characters from Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Cobra, Colonel Marines, Netherworld, Star Trek, and Star Wars. Every Dragon*Con programming track… Read more →

Free Speech Endangered

Sexually explicit expression is under attack, warned a Dragon*Con Electronic Frontiers Forums (“EFF”) panel Friday night.  What can happen if you don’t copy records which prove the age of everyone baring all, etc., etc., in your webcam streaming video?  You can go to jail.  For a long time.  And this doesn’t involve passing go or collecting $200 in Monopoly bucks…. Read more →