Russ Matthews

Back for yet another year of hassling celebrities, ogling anime girls and occasionally writing things, Russ Matthews is now fully entrenched in his journeyman tour of the Daily Dragon staff. Russ grew up in the wilds of central Mississippi but has managed to overcome this rather significant limitation. After moving to Atlanta in 2000, Russ immersed himself in his "geek culture" and hasn't looked back since. Besides being a chef, ranconteur, and showman, Russ has been published in several college newspapers that no one has ever heard of, a couple of equally obscure college literary magazines, and is a dedicated LiveJournal writer. Russ cites Ambrose Bierce, Spider Jerusalem, and Peter Jennings as his major journalistic idols.

Enjoying Q&A Panels at Dragon*Con

There are a lot of tracks, guests, and panels to see here at Dragon*Con, and some of the most popular panels are the celebrity guest Q&A panels. Since it can sometimes get a little overwhelming when trying to figure out how and what to ask, we have compiled a handy list of some DOs and don’ts to keep in mind… Read more →

Kokoro Me No Michi – Ninkage Ryu comes to Dragon*Con

I’m supposed to give a lecture right now. I don’t do lectures. This is about mayhem. Anyone here want to see mayhem?” A forest of hands sprang up at Grandmaster Sabutai Musashi’s question, and the fun began. Grandmaster Musashi’s demonstration included open hand techniques, weapons techniques, and blindfolded weapon techniques where he demonstrated the use of the sense he calls… Read more →

The Tribe Comes to Dragon*Con – Again!

Members of the cast of the New Zealand-based show, The Tribe, have come to Dragon*Con for the Second Annual North American Tribal Gathering. This year’s guests are Danny James, Matt Robinson and Victoria Spence, all of who are members of the cast of The Tribe. Produced by Cloud 9 and now in its fifth season, it is the story of… Read more →