Chain Mail Art Panel Goes Medieval

Don’t miss artist Bryan Jones’s panel on the art of making chain mail in the art track Friday at 7:00 p.m.  This is the third year Jones has presented this panel.  For the last two years, “it’s been standing room only,” Jones said, recommending that hopeful mail smiths come early.

Do Clothes Make the Alien?

Bill Moseley, best known for his movie/acting careers, made an appearance at Dragon*Con.  He said, “I was in a brutal fight scene, and I got distracted because I realized that I had a hole in my pants, and was worried about things being seen on film.” He was in many films such as: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Chop-head, and House… Read more →

Bad Boys of Buffy and Angel

In this panel we were to have two guest speakers: Adam Baldwin and Nathan Fillion.  Sadly, Adam couldn’t make it, and sent his regrets.  Nathan played “Caleb,” “the creepy priest” who put out Xander’s eye, and fought Buffy; he had a short-lived roll in the show.  He also starred in Firefly, Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place, and… Read more →

Learning about Dragon*Con’s Nightlife

So, it’s my first day on the job at the Daily Dragon. My director tells me to go out and interview various attendees and see how they’re enjoying the nighttime scene at D*C. As it’s my first time really getting to experience such things, I’ve tried to have a little fun and learn about this event’s subcultures. It’s been an… Read more →

Making Buffy/Angel Music Videos

The last few years have seen a revolution in the world of audio and video, much like the revolution in publishing that occurred in the early 90s. Then it was called “desktop publishing,” and now it is “desktop video.” Yes, this is “great” for Aunt Morpha, who can now show “thrilling” videos of her vacations to Normal, Illinois, instead of… Read more →

Hickman Duo Explores Myth

. . . the very dreams that blister sleep . . .” Tracy Hickman and Laura Curtis Hickman awed a packed Writers’ Track session Friday afternoon with their “Mythics Fundamentals Workshop.” The Hickmans compressed a week-long seminar into an energetic two and a half hours. The workshop covered story mechanics and world-building in the context of myth as defined by… Read more →

Ju-On and Ju-On 2 Screening

The Dragon*Con Independent Film Track brings you a double feature showing of Ju-On and Ju-On 2. Ju-On premiered in 2000 as a straight-to-video feature. Its astonishing success provided the financial backing to create Ju-On 2 for the big screen with improved EFX. A must-see for horror fans and fans of Asian cinema. Neither film has been released in any form… Read more →