NASA’s Facilities: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Resources

Hilton 212–213 at 1PM Saturday was packed with attendees to see this panel of some of the NASA facilities. Andy Dykes, Sam Ortega, and Trina Ray all worked at different locations and brought their perspectives and experiences to the discussion about the unique resources NASA has to make space exploration possible. Kennedy, Marshal, Johnson, JPL. These are only four of… Read more →

Picking the Brains of the iZombie Cast

Picking the Brains of the iZombie Cast

Brains were the topic of the day at the iZombie panel in the Hyatt Centennial II-III at 4PM on Saturday. David Anders, Rose McIver, and Aly Michalka agreed that humor is what makes iZombie so enjoyable for the cast and fans alike. In fact, Anders began the panel by jogging across the back of the stage, waving and grinning, then… Read more →

Puppetry of Labyrinth: 30th Anniversary

Brian Henson entered the stage on Saturday at 2:30PM in his favorite, multi-colored jeans (gifted by his 10-year-old daughter). The pants projected a rainbow all the way to the back of the Marriott Atrium Ballroom. It was a fitting wardrobe choice for talking about the wonderful, fantastical Labyrinth. The film—an indelible part of childhood for anyone under the age of… Read more →

Charlie Cox: Redux

Charlie Cox, in his second Dragon Con panel, which took place Saturday at 11:30AM in the Marriott, entered to loud cheers and instantly reaffirmed his nice-guy reputation by pouring the moderator a glass of water before picking up and absentmindedly fidgeting with a red and silver pen as he answered a slew of new (and a few recycled) questions. “So… Read more →

Gender and Kawaii Culture

Kawaii was king (or queen?) Saturday at 8:30PM in the Hyatt’s Baker room as I had the privilege of sitting in on an intriguing and in-depth panel on an even more intriguing subject, Kawaii culture. More specifically, the topic focused on “Gender Fluidity in Kawaii Culture.” For you gaijen out there, Kawaii (cute in Japanese) is a thriving sub-culture that… Read more →

No But Seriously, We are Not Recommending Murder

Raychelle Burks, Mika McKinnon, Leigh Mansfield, and Torrey Stenmark, provided a Q&A geared toward eliminating sloppy mistakes when planning and executing a murder. This panel consisted of a forensic chemist, a disaster expert (“masters in disaster”), a neuro-psychologist, and an organic chemist, respectively. To set the mood, each of the speakers got to tell the story of their favorite unsolved… Read more →

Art Show Award Winners Named Saturday Night

Art Show Award Winners Named Saturday Night

Winners of the 2016 Dragon Con Art Show were named Saturday night in four categories: Attendee Awards, voted on by Art Show attendees; Artist Choice, voted on by attending artists; the themed category “Resistance Is Futile!!”; and Juried Awards. Attendee Awards Best Alien: A-O-6 by Allen Panakal Best Amazon: Andreste by Mitch Foust Best Dragon: Steampunk Wall Dragon by Lisa… Read more →

In Chaos, Tyrants Rise: The Last Ship with Adam Baldwin

In Chaos, Tyrants Rise: The Last Ship with Adam Baldwin

Find a cure. Stop the virus. Blow sh*t up. Adam Baldwin talked TNT’s post-apocalyptic drama The Last Ship with Dragon Con fans on Saturday morning in the Hyatt Regency VI-VII. Season three has proven to be an action-packed ride on The Last Ship, and when asked about the increase in action, explosions, and naval battles, Baldwin replied that, once the… Read more →